The development of deep learning models in medical image analysis is majorly limited by the lack of large-sized and well-annotated datasets. Unsupervised learning does not require labels and is more suitable for solving medical image analysis problems. However, most of the current unsupervised learning methods need to be applied to large datasets. To make unsupervised learning applicable to small datasets, we proposed Swin MAE, which is a masked autoencoder with Swin Transformer as its backbone. Even on a dataset of only a few thousand medical images and without using any pre-trained models, Swin MAE is still able to learn useful semantic features purely from images. It can equal or even slightly outperform the supervised model obtained by Swin Transformer trained on ImageNet in terms of the transfer learning results of downstream tasks. The code will be publicly available soon.
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Empirical studies suggest that machine learning models trained with empirical risk minimization (ERM) often rely on attributes that may be spuriously correlated with the class labels. Such models typically lead to poor performance during inference for data lacking such correlations. In this work, we explicitly consider a situation where potential spurious correlations are present in the majority of training data. In contrast with existing approaches, which use the ERM model outputs to detect the samples without spurious correlations, and either heuristically upweighting or upsampling those samples; we propose the logit correction (LC) loss, a simple yet effective improvement on the softmax cross-entropy loss, to correct the sample logit. We demonstrate that minimizing the LC loss is equivalent to maximizing the group-balanced accuracy, so the proposed LC could mitigate the negative impacts of spurious correlations. Our extensive experimental results further reveal that the proposed LC loss outperforms the SoTA solutions on multiple popular benchmarks by a large margin, an average 5.5% absolute improvement, without access to spurious attribute labels. LC is also competitive with oracle methods that make use of the attribute labels. Code is available at
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Recent lay language generation systems have used Transformer models trained on a parallel corpus to increase health information accessibility. However, the applicability of these models is constrained by the limited size and topical breadth of available corpora. We introduce CELLS, the largest (63k pairs) and broadest-ranging (12 journals) parallel corpus for lay language generation. The abstract and the corresponding lay language summary are written by domain experts, assuring the quality of our dataset. Furthermore, qualitative evaluation of expert-authored plain language summaries has revealed background explanation as a key strategy to increase accessibility. Such explanation is challenging for neural models to generate because it goes beyond simplification by adding content absent from the source. We derive two specialized paired corpora from CELLS to address key challenges in lay language generation: generating background explanations and simplifying the original abstract. We adopt retrieval-augmented models as an intuitive fit for the task of background explanation generation, and show improvements in summary quality and simplicity while maintaining factual correctness. Taken together, this work presents the first comprehensive study of background explanation for lay language generation, paving the path for disseminating scientific knowledge to a broader audience. CELLS is publicly available at:
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通过移动激光扫描和图像构建有色点的云是测量和映射的基本工作。它也是为智能城市建造数字双胞胎的重要先决条件。但是,现有的公共数据集要么是相对较小的规模,要么缺乏准确的几何和彩色地面真理。本文记录了一个名为Polyu-BPComa的多功能数据集,该数据集可独特地定位于移动着色映射。该数据集在背包平台上包含3D激光雷达,球形成像,GNSS和IMU的资源。颜色检查器板在每个调查区域粘贴,因为目标和地面真相数据是由先进的陆地激光扫描仪(TLS)收集的。 3D几何信息和颜色信息可以分别在背包系统和TLS产生的有色点云中恢复。因此,我们提供了一个机会,可以同时为移动多感官系统对映射和着色精度进行基准测试。该数据集的尺寸约为800 GB,涵盖室内和室外环境。数据集和开发套件可在上找到。
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事实证明,丰富的用户行为数据对于点击率(CTR)预测应用程序具有很高的价值,尤其是在工业推荐,搜索或广告系统中。但是,由于在线服务时间的严格要求,现实世界系统不仅可以充分利用长期用户行为。大多数以前的作品都采用基于检索的策略,在此策略中,首先检索了少数用户行为以进行后续注意。但是,基于检索的方法是最佳的,会造成或多或少的信息损失,并且很难平衡检索算法的有效性和效率。在本文中,我们提出了SDIM(基于采样的深度兴趣建模),这是一种简单但有效的基于采样的端到端方法,用于建模长期用户行为。我们从多个哈希功能中采样,以生成候选项目和用户行为序列中的每个项目的哈希签名,并通过直接收集与具有相同哈希签名的候选项目相关的行为项来获得用户兴趣。我们在理论上和实验上表明,所提出的方法在基于标准的基于注意力的模型上对长期用户行为进行建模,同时更快。我们还介绍了系统中SDIM的部署。具体而言,我们通过设计一个名为BSE(行为序列编码)的单独模块(行为序列编码),将行为序列哈希(这是最耗时的部分)解脱出最耗时的部分。 BSE对于CTR服务器是无延迟的,使我们能够建模极长的用户行为。进行离线和在线实验,以证明SDIM的有效性。 SDIM现在已在线部署在Meituan应用程序的搜索系统中。
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光保护综合技术的快速进展达到了真实和操纵图像之间的边界开始模糊的临界点。最近,一个由Mega-Scale Deep Face Forgery DataSet,由290万个图像组成和221,247个视频的伪造网络已被释放。它是迄今为止的数据规模,操纵(7个图像级别方法,8个视频级别方法),扰动(36个独立和更混合的扰动)和注释(630万个分类标签,290万操纵区域注释和221,247个时间伪造段标签)。本文报告了Forgerynet-Face Forgery Analysis挑战2021的方法和结果,它采用了伪造的基准。模型评估在私人测试集上执行离线。共有186名参加比赛的参与者,11名队伍提交了有效的提交。我们将分析排名排名的解决方案,并展示一些关于未来工作方向的讨论。
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如今,由于屏幕共享,远程合作和在线教育的广泛应用,屏幕内容存在爆炸性增长。为了匹配有限终端带宽,可以缩小高分辨率(HR)屏幕内容并压缩。在接收器侧,低分辨率(LR)屏幕内容图像(SCI)的超分辨率(SR)由HR显示器或用户缩小以供详细观察。然而,由于图像特性非常不同的图像特性以及在任意尺度下浏览的SCI浏览要求,图像SR方法主要针对自然图像设计不概括SCI。为此,我们为SCISR提出了一种新颖的隐式变压器超分辨率网络(ITSRN)。对于任意比率的高质量连续SR,通过所提出的隐式变压器从密钥坐标处的图像特征推断出查询坐标处的像素值,并且提出了隐式位置编码方案来聚合与查询相似的相邻像素值。使用LR和HR SCI对构建基准SCI1K和SCI1K压缩数据集。广泛的实验表明,提出的ITSRN显着优于压缩和未压缩的SCI的几种竞争连续和离散SR方法。
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